Since when did a credit card have new features? It gives you money that you don't have, if you need it, and you pay back the providing company with monthly payments+interest. That's fine, it has a place in capitalism, and it's supposed to do ONE THING. No one uses it responsibly, except a few of us; my current credit balance is $-0.13 meaning, those corporate fat cats owe me 13 American pennies!
Now, it has new features, the best of them all being, Visa payWare.
I don't need this. No one fucking needs this. No one has any reason to have this, ever. It is the foot in the door for RFID that we don't need. They say 'Contactless Opportunity'. Contactless Opportunity for what? This gives someone the Opportunity to steal your credit cards and bank information without having to come into Contact with you. This is the 'Contactless Opportunity'.
Let me repeat, because this is so absolutely fucking important: WE DON'T NEED THIS.
In fact, what we do need is NO RFID.
Let's go over this again, because I don't know how to stress this enough.
What we need: Not RFID
What we don't need: RFID
Seems simple. So, the portion of the card I figured had the chip in(there was a small, square depression on the back underneath the magnetic strip) I hit with a hammer... a lot.
I'm taking it back to the bank today, and I'm having those idiots cancel my credit account. I seriously don't fucking need credit. If I don't have money, then I just don't have any fucking money. And if it isn't my money, I don't want it.
If my new debit card comes with RFID and I can't get it without, I'm canceling my bank account, and taking my business elsewhere.
Holy shit. I'm sticking to the debit system, that actually uses money, and isn't entirely imaginary. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore.